The Toilet Bowl Of Singapore: Getting To Know The Bathroom Throne  



If you get stranded on a deserted island, which household item do you think you will miss the most? Will you wish that you have your TV with you, or will you be thinking about the toilet bowl in your Singapore home?

In a study conducted by the World Toilet Organisation or WTO, a person goes to the bathroom to use the toilet six to eight times a day. According to their findings, you could sit on the lavatory throne thousands of times per year—making it one of the most used fixtures in almost every household. But are toilet bowls and their flush systems necessary? What could happen if you do not own a modern chamber pot?

The toilet bowl is a life-changing invention that helps individuals avoid ailments. Since the commode system can manage and contain human waste, it prevents the transmission of dangerous illnesses such as hepatitis, polio, typhoid, cholera, and more. However, not every individual on the planet has access to toilets—making them vulnerable to these infectious diseases. But numerous organisations are now working with the best toilet bowl brands in Singapore and other countries to provide potties to everyone and make the world a safer and more sanitary planet.

But before the existence of the toilet bowl of today, what do commodes look like back then?


Toilet Bowls Throughout History

Like every other piece of furniture, appliance, or fixture you own today, the toilet bowl of Singapore went through changes and developments since its invention. People of timeworn ages relieved themselves through different and often unsanitary ways, which led to sickness. Here’s how the toilet bowl developed through the years:

Ancient Times

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans were nomads who never had a permanent place to settle. They answered the calls of mother nature everywhere they went since private bathrooms with toilet bowls and flush systems were not yet available back then. After these individuals learned about farming, they started building villages—but they still lacked a specific place to urinate and defecate

According to Discover Magazine, these individuals relieved themselves in areas where they slept and ate. Scientists even discovered a fossilised pile of poo that came from the Neanderthals. But during the Mesopotamian era, people built seats above cesspits or an area where they disposed of liquid waste. This invention was far from the modern toilet bowl in Singapore households, but it sparked commode innovations.

Roman And Mediaeval Era

During Roman times, defecating was a type of social gathering. According to the British Association of Urological Surgeons, people catch up with friends and talk about recent happenings or world views as they use public toilets. Since toilet flush systems or bidets were not yet available, the Romans used a wooden stick with a sponge on one end to wipe their bums. They rinsed this contraption on gutters in front of their toilet seats.

Commoners of the Mediaeval era also had to go potty in public toilets—which had more privacy. These privies look like outhouses where a peasant or serf could expel bodily waste. On the other hand, affluent families have private chamber pots and privies. These Mediaeval toilet bowl inventions are often portable and require users to throw the contents away in waste pits, farms, bodies of water, or even down the street.

Middle Ages And Victorian Days

According to the American television network History, the first flushable toilet bowl appeared in the late 1590s. An English courtier named Sir John Harington described the invention in a pamphlet and provided instructions on its installation. He created the device and placed it in the palace of his godmother, who was none other than Queen Elizabeth I. The rig comes with a waterproof oval bowl with a cistern above it to flush its contents.

Undoubtedly, Harington’s invention gave birth to the modern toilet bowl—but it had flaws. His device required seven and a half gallons of water to flush down bodily waste. Numerous inventors worked on this defect and other imperfections that prevented the commode from being efficient. Alexander Cumming discovered the S-pipe for the bowl to prohibit sewer gas from entering the bathroom. Thomas Crapper improved toilet flush systems by inventing the ballcock, which is a device that closes the tap once the cistern gets full. Crapper also became a leading manufacturer of commodes in England and France.


The Toilets Of Today

In an article by the British Association of Urological Surgeons, inventors developed the modern toilet bowls and flushing systems in the 20th century. The authorities required manufacturers to reduce water levels in cisterns, which led to the invention of water-saving commodes. The brilliant minds of today also thought of turning upstairs reservoirs into tanks and flushing mechanisms connected to bowls. Manufacturers also updated the looks and shapes of commode seats to make them more comfortable and visually appealing. Clogged toilets are also a rare issue nowadays, thanks to the one-of-a-kind designs of modern flushing systems.

The Future Of Toilets

As the years go by, the toilet bowl of Singapore will evolve into something more comfortable, functional, and phenomenal. Commode makers are starting to update the looks and abilities of toilets nowadays by installing sensors, heaters, and nightlights onto their products. Some bathroom throne models can even wash and dry your bum for you. Meanwhile, other toilet types have built-in deodorisers to eliminate the odour of bodily waste. One toilet invention can even check your urine and faeces for diseases.


The Toilet Bowl Buying Guide

Finding and choosing the perfect toilet bowl can be challenging—but only if you do not know what you should look for in a commode. Like purchasing a tap, washbasin, or rain shower head in Singapore, you should keep numerous things in mind when picking a bathroom throne. Here are some tips to help you shop for a toilet:

  • Know Your Set-Out
  • Pick A Flushing Mechanism
  • Find An Ideal Type
  • Choose A Material
  • Select A Shape
  • Consider The Height
  • Match Your Bathroom Style
  • Check The Features
  • Think About The Price
  • Learn About The Maintenance Requirements
  • Find A Reliable Manufacturer

Now that you know everything about bathroom thrones, you are finally ready to shop for one at TOTO Asia Oceania! Visit their website below to choose from their toilet bowl options in Singapore.