Storage Optimisation: 10 Things Not to Put in Storage Units


Renting self storage in Singapore is a wise option for moving, remodelling, or if you need a place to store some of your belongings. While you can keep plenty of things in a storage unit, there are some things you cannot, and it is best to remember what they are so you can make alternate plans.

Customers must follow the rules, restrictions, and regulations, though a few things are standardised. It includes any items that, for safety or legal reasons, you cannot store in a storage unit. Other items are not allowed for shallow reasons, but you will still be unable to bring them in.

To avoid unpleasant surprises later on, it is always best to know what you are allowed and not allowed to store inside storage solutions in Singapore. Here is a list of items that you shouldn’t put in your storage space.

Perishable items

Items that need to be refrigerated, including dry pet food in bags that are no longer sealed, fall into this category. Bacteria and mould can grow because these items attract insects and rodents. Moreover, even in a climate-controlled unit – perishable food items are a magnet for pests, mould, and mildew. In addition to attracting rodents and bugs and catching fire, even canned foods can pose a risk because of their shelf life. The solution is that canned food must be prohibited in some storage solutions in Singapore, particularly those with no climate control. Always check with the staff at the store before storing any canned goods.

If you remain unsure whether a non-perishable item can be stored in your storage unit, check with the company to see what policies they have and what they recommend. It is best to know in advance whether or not certain shelf-stable foods can be kept in tightly sealed containers.


Bank deposit boxes are a better option than a self-storage unit if you need to store cash or other forms of currency. If you’re going to keep your valuables in a bank rather than in a cheap storage space in Singapore, you’ll get better protection for them.

Wet items

A wet kayak, a wet surfboard and so on can be stored, but they’ll need to be completely dry before you close the door. That’s because wet items typically grow mould and mildew in shadowy, confined spaces, like your storage unit, which is exactly the case. Putting wet items in self storage in Singapore isn’t just gross; it could also ruin your belongings, so make sure everything is completely dry before putting it away.

Living and dead items

People and animals can’t be kept in storage units, whether they’re dead or alive. In addition to plants and flowers, this rule applies to the remains of the dead, including human remains. Additionally, sunlight is required for plant life and can attract insects and pests to the plant. They should not be killed by being kept in the dark, but rather kept within light where they belong. If you are unable to care for your plants, do not store, give away, or plant the plants in the open air.


Unregistered vehicles

When it comes to car self storage in Singapore, most businesses are more than happy to oblige, but with a few conditions attached. Before you can leave your vehicle behind, it must be registered and insured, regardless of its type, be it a car, boat, RV, or anything else. Only vehicles that are registered, covered by insurance, and in working order are allowed to be stored. Ships, camper vans, trailers, motorbikes, and automobiles all fall under this category. If you’re renting from a company, you may be requested to provide proof of car registration, so be sure to ask.

Furry items

Fur clothing must be preserved in very specific conditions, including rigid temperature and light specifications. As a result, some storage solutions in Singapore include furs on their prohibited items list. It’s best to use a specialised storage facility if storing fur is an issue, as they can make sure the right conditions are met.

Ammunition and weapons

Firearms, war materials, and other military equipment with anything else you don’t want to go off accidentally—are most often prohibited from being stored in a cheap storage space in Singapore. That’s because the facility faces a slew of liability issues, in addition to the obvious safety concerns. If your unit is put up for auction, it can cause a slew of problems for the facility.

Highly combustible and flammable substances

This seems like an obvious one to include, but it’s worth mentioning. Leave out any potential sources of ignition. Gasoline, kerosene, chemical substances, and fireworks are just a few examples. In terms of what not to put in storage solutions in Singapore, flammable and combustible items are the best examples. Because they are flammable, all of these items could pose a threat to the entire facility. Think about whether the item you’re considering storing has the potential to catch fire before you make your decision. If the answer is yes, you may need to relocate it.

Toxic substances

Chemicals, fertilisers, and even some common cleaning products should not be stored in a self storage unit in Singapore because fumes can mix and lead to problems. No chlorine bleach, ammonia, or solvents such as acetone (nail polish remover), turpentine, paint thinner, or kerosene are permitted. There’s also nothing poisonous or contagious.

Illegal and stolen goods

If you have possession of any stolen or illegal items, you won’t be able to keep them in your storage unit. Storage solutions in Singapore are not only heavily guarded, but their personnel are also likely to call the cops if they suspect something suspicious is going on.

a-photo-of-a-woman-cleaning-her-storage-unit-with-a-broomWhen in doubt over whether or not the item can be stored, contact your storage facility directly. Having an idea of what’s going on ahead of time is always preferable to scrambling at the last minute.

Visit SelfStorePte Ltd today to get a better grip on their storage policies and regulations, it won’t bite to ask many detailed questions to let them help you get quality storage services and solutions in Singapore.