When you’re at your wit’s end and you’re going through grave personal and other legal issues, there may be one place you have to turn to so you can obtain the information you need: private investigation agencies. While none of us wants to reach this point, they are incredibly useful lifelines and play an integral role in helping you perform a variety of services that can prove life-saving.
What are private investigators, and what do they do?
Did you know that there are many detective agencies in Singapore that you can hire? We don’t often think about them because we view them as a last resort, but PIs perform a myriad of services for clients in order to obtain information. They are people who can be hired by groups, individuals, or NGOs (an organisation unaffiliated with the government) that provides investigative services. These services can range from business-related matters, such as researching possible copyright infringement and handling legal matters with workers, or personal matters, such as surveillance of family members or finding missing individuals or items. They often work in tandem with attorneys on civil or criminal cases.
Hiring a detective agency in Singapore is quite common. Due to their wide range of services, there is a myriad of different information they can collect. You might have already heard of some cases wherein businesses have spent thousands of dollars running background checks on problematic or suspicious employees, or of families hiring PIs to check up on suspicious home workers. Detectives are people who play important roles in many legal issues, and they are indispensable when it comes to solving matters in the courtroom.
Who are the best people for the job?
As you may already know, hiring just anyone who claims to be a detective to do your work isn’t going to cut it. In Singapore, individuals have many rights to privacy and surveillance, so obtaining information in a legal way is tricky. That’s why we hire professionals from a private investigation company in Singapore to help us complete these tasks.
Everyone wants to protect their assets and the people closest to them. But investigative services are a very sensitive job with a lot of legal implications. There are services that are outside the bounds of what private investigators can do. That is why you should be extremely cautious when choosing the agency from which you will hire: both to ensure that you have the best quality services, and also so that you will not run into any legal concerns in the future.
Things to note before hiring your private detective
Before you choose which detective agencies you want to hire, there are certain requirements that you need to know that all detectives must possess. For example, to become a private investigator, one must attain a PI license from the Singapore Police Force. Check whether the individual you want to hire has the proper license and qualifications to become a detective.
Beyond qualifications, you need to choose a detective that has the right work ethic and moral conduct before proceeding to hire them. That means that the ideal detective has to be honest, law-abiding, and sets realistic expectations and goals for the results of their work. They should also be able to obtain information that is admissible in court.
You’ll be able to find the best private detectives if you’re willing to put in the time and effort necessary to find them. It’s not easy to look for reliable people if you don’t do your research. Here are a few things you should note before deciding to hire someone.
1) Meet your prospective PI in person or through the phone. You’ll be more likely to know if someone is trustworthy when you can get in touch with them yourself. Beware of red flags like detectives who are slow to respond or are difficult to reach via either method. This can give you a lot of grief later on when it’s too late. Another red flag that you should avoid is if they give you a bad first impression. Trust your gut instinct when it comes to sensitive matters and information!
2) Beware of PIs who give you vague answers or lofty goals. Does the representative of the detective agency ignore answers when you ask them for an example of their final products? Do they guarantee answers but will not tell you about their methods or other important details? Then it’s best that you stay far away from them.
3) Dig into their work experience and background. Yes, you need to do a little snooping, too! Private investigators can come from many different backgrounds and some would be more experienced to handle your case than others. Some detective agencies in Singapore are also known for handling specific types of legal cases, so you can look into that as well. Don’t forget to visit their site and the About Us page. It is very important to learn the identities of those who will handle your case.
4) Don’t cut corners when it comes to comparing PI fees. There’s a saying that goes, “you get what you pay for.” And when it comes to investigation services, it’s definitely true. Analysing, researching, and investigating is a very labour-intensive and time-consuming activity, so you shouldn’t expect a qualified person to do it cheaply. When legal matters are at stake, you should always be prepared to get the best one you can find and don’t look at the price only.
Hire a private investigator in Singapore for assistance regarding your personal, business, and legal matters. CDIC Consultants is your trusted Singapore detective agency. Reach out to us now.